On the leadership of Praxis and support of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonian e-Health specialists are visiting Moldova last week, to share knowledge and experiences of e-Health solutions implemented in Estonia. During the previous year, experts have helped to develop Moldova’s national e-Health strategy and now, the services that are going to be introduced in the coming two years are selected.
One of the experts, doctor Peeter Ross notes, that many of the important components of Moldovas e-Health solution are already set. “It is very nice to note, that in present phase of development, experience from Estonian e-Health implementation benefits Moldova the most. At the moment we can use Estonian experience the most effectively in order to complete what is already started in Moldova,” states Ross.
Expert of healthcare informatics, Ain Aaviksoo, brings out that Moldova is a good example of utilizing practical experiences from Estonia. “There exists a unique opportunity in Moldova to support the necessary rearrangements in healthcare system, by using information and communication technology,” he adds.
E-services help to increase the transparency of health related procedures, increase the quality of treatments, give the opportunity to analyze already exciting processes and carry out more effective healthcare investments. In Moldova’s present phase, it is important to find these services which benefit the inhabitants the fastest and most direct. Examples of this are the constant flow of information in the integrated network of hospitals and general practitioners and the digital prescription service which has solidly implemented in Estonia.
Estonian specialists involved in the development of e-Health services project are healthcare analyst Priit Kruus from Praxis, expert of healthcare informatics Ain Aaviksoo, expert of e-Health Peeter Ross and expert from the e-Governance Academy Arvo Ott.
Praxis Center for Policy Studies is the Estonian leader of the project, in Moldova the project is run by the Ministry of Healthcare and local WHO office. The project is co-funded by development cooperation and humanitarian aid means of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Estonia. The project of e-Health services development is a part of a wider cooperation between Estonia and Moldova sectoral organizations.
Priit Kruus
Analyst of Health Policy
Praxis Center for Policy Studies