Praxis is the co-organiser of three discussions at the Estonian Festival of Opinion Culture. Two discussions are held at the “Toimiv Riik” theme area, one, dealing with the role of think tanks, at “Vabakonna kasvulava”. Let’s come together and discuss! Timetable:
FRIDAY 14th August 13.00-14.30 How to Increase State Revenues? The “Toimiv riik” theme area
Usually discussions of state reform focus on the spending of the state with emphasis on how to cut spending. We, on the other hand, will be dealing with the other side of the equation – the revenues. How can state revenues be increased? What and how to tax? What are the untapped possibilities to increase revenues? What is the state’s role in increasing the revenues? Let’s help the Ministry of Finance. Let’s restart the tax debate and pick up the money off the ground.
Moderator: Kersti Kaljulaid. Participants: Viljar Arakas, Olari Taal, Kaidi Ruusalepp, Veiko Lember
FRIDAY 14th August 15.00-16.30 Thinktanks – Who Needs Them Anyway?
The “Vabakonna kasvulava” theme area
What is a think tank, how do they work, and how do they differ from other organisations? What are the peculiarities of Estonian think tanks? How does a think tank produce results? What is the future of think tanks?
The discussion is led by participants with interactive participatory methods: Annika Uudelepp, Kristiina Tõnnisson, Kristina Kallas, Liia Hänni
SATURDAY 15th August 18:00-19:30 Open Government. Let’s Start From the Riigikogu? The “Toimiv riik” theme area
The openness of the committees was a hot topic during the last Riigikogu. Suddenly protocols and recordings became a talking point. Could the comprehensiveness of debate be the measure of the health of democracy? Are public debates the standard of open governance? Interest groups, journalists, and active people, take part!
Moderator: Olari Koppel. Participants: Liia Hänni, Toomas Mattson, Eiki Nestor, Kalle Laanet
- Analyst at Praxis, Priit Kruus, will take part of the “Where is the Estonian Health System Heading?” discussion
- Annika Uudelepp, chairman of the board of Praxis moderates the debate of the leaders of the parliamentary parties with Margo Loor