Tiina Randma-Liiv, Andres Sutt and Kristi Liiva have been invited to join the Supervisory Board of Praxis Centre for Policy Studies starting from 29th of January 2017. Karsten Staehr will assume the position of the Chairman from Triinu Tombak.
For Tiina Randma-Liiv, the Professor of Public Management and Public Policy at the Tallinn University of Technology, this is a wonderful return. In 2000, she was one of the founding members and driving forces in Praxis, serving on the Supervisory Board from 2000 to 2006. In the 1990s, Tiina Randma-Liiv was one of the key figures who helped establish and develop Public Management as a new academic discipline in post-Soviet Estonia. She is the author of more than 60 scientific publications and serves on the editorial boards of numerous international scientific journals.
Kristi Liiva is the founder and partner at Communication and Brand Consultancy JLP. She has headed communications departments at major Estonian companies, such as Hansapank, Swedbank, Eesti Energia and the Government Communication Unit. Kristi Liiva has played an instrumental role in fostering civic culture in Estonia by launching the annual Opinion Festival and also as one of the founders of the Anti-Bullying Program KiVa, focusing on Estonian schools. In 2016, she was recognized with the Citizen of the Year Award for her steadfast promotion of informed debate culture.
Andres Sutt has extensive experience in top management positions in the finance sector. Currently he is the Manager of Regulatory Affairs at the Eesti Energia Group. Previously he has served as the Manager of the Banking Division at the European Stability Mechanism, as Senior Adviser to the CEO of European Financial Stability Facility and on the Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund. From 2001 to 2009 Andres Sutt held the position of Vice President at the Central Bank of the Republic of Estonia.
“As an independent think tank, Praxis holds a unique position as the generator of new knowledge and ideas that push our society forward. We have managed to assemble a team of preeminent experts who care deeply about the success of Estonian society and its people. Therefore I am extremely pleased to welcome these three new Board Members who bring new perspectives, experiences and competencies that have always been held in high regard here at Praxis,” commented Triinu Tombak, who in 2017 will surrender her position as Chairman of the Supervisory Board to Karsten Staehr.
There are altogether seven people serving on the Praxis Supervisory Board. In addition to newcomers Tiina Randma-Liiv, Andres Sutt and Kristi Liiva, the Board also includes Ene-Margit Tiit, Sten Tamkivi, Triinu Tombak and Karsten Staehr (Chairman).