Alari Rammo
Alari’s degrees are in journalism and law, that is, all his life he has mainly read and written in order to distinguish facts from opinions, to justify his statements in factual and legal terms and, if necessary, to demand the truth in court. His experience spans all sectors, from the media to manufacturing and parliament, but the third sector has remained his chorus of this century. The Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations has taken the lion’s share of that, especially in the field of communication and advocacy, pushing the government to be more supportive towards the CSOs, as well as the associations themselves to be more efficient and effective.
At Praxis, Alari supports team by helping to make sense of society and managing financial and legal affairs, in which he has helped many CSOs for almost two decades. Unless he has written the rules of involvement, funding or company law himself. In his free time, he does the same things, taking part in the activities of Salk, Arvamusfestival, Kinoteater, KÜSK and his apartment association in Kalamaja, to mention a few.