What We Do
Praxis is the most experienced and recognised socio-economic research centre in Estonia.
Developing People
We are a professional partner for comprehensively developing people.
Our experts think together with you, present their own ideas and seek better ways to create progress with you.
We design processes of engagement from start to finish: from setting the goals to devising the engagement plan and organising events.
Explaining Data
Visualisations of the analytical work help to better communicate research findings to interest groups.
Why You Should Work with Praxis
- A reliable organisation – We are a flexible, adaptive and independent think tank.
- Solution-oriented – Practical, forward-looking and comprehensive view of topics.
- Diverse and motivated – 30 experts from different fields achieve high-quality and constructive results.
- Broad cooperation network – Systematically developed partnerships in Estonia and internationally.
Methods of Work
By systematically observing policy implementation and sectoral development, we can monitor changes made over time. Monitoring helps us understand the reasons for change and explain the consequences.
Impact Assessment
How do goals become results? We study which policies are working, which policies are not working and to what extent they are working.
Cost-benefit Analysis
With this essential method, we can assess the economic effects of policy and help you make the most rational decision.
Using mathematical and econometric models, we seek out, interpret and evaluate the relationships between important policy measures (e.g. the impact of tax changes and subsidies).
Using our expertise and known trends to create models of the future, we assess the long-term impact of today’s decisions and foresee possible problems.
Case Studies
Policymaking requires understanding of how a programme, organisation or group functions. By examining examples, we can understand what leads to success and what causes problems.
Surveys let us gather information from thousands of respondents or specific groups. By combining survey and analysis techniques, we can find the relationships between causes and consequences.
Analysis of Development Needs
Before organising training courses, it is necessary to understand for whom and why development is needed. We help to systematically identify staff development needs, particularly in our fields of work.
Training Courses
Specific programmes and tailor-made training courses put solid knowledge gained from research into practice and develop the skills of the participants.
We can help you find effective solutions to complex problems. We give advice on how to interpret analytical knowledge and how to implement it in your organisation.
Leading the Discussions
We can help you plan discussions involving several parties. We also assist in moderating them and in summarising the results. We can give advice on how to organise inclusive processes.
Policy Dialogue Events
We can present the completed analysis, bring together interested parties and encourage dialogue. The aim of the thoroughly prepared seminar is to create a lively debate on key decision points.
With Whom Are We Working?

Praxis jälgis 2015. riigikogu valimisi
Praxis tegi ära väga hea eeltöö mõttepaberitega. Nad võtsid ette konkreetsed teemad ja ajakirjanikel oli sealt hea edasi minna, debatti küsimusi esitada. — Aivar Hundimägi