Jane Ester
Jane’s area of expertise is governance and civil society. Research topics that interest her the most are opportunities for civil participation and engagement, the democratisation process in post-communist societies and sustainability of NGOs. Jane has experience with design management – how to achieve a user-centred view when shaping policy and public services.
Her strengths as an analyst lie in formulating research questions and designing studies. Jane has local as well as international experience as a lecturer and a consultant for NGOs.
Before joining Praxis in 2012, Jane worked as a lecturer in Tallinn University and took part in an international research project on the democratisation of rural areas in the Baltic states. More than 4 years working on citizenship and migration policy in Estonian Ministry of the Interior has given her extensive knowledge in the field, including practical experience in policy shaping.
During her studies at Tallinn University, University of Florence and International Summer School at the University of Oslo, Jane has looked at theories on populism and democracy, sustainability of rural communities and survival strategies in the post-communist world.
In her spare time, you can find Jane in the countryside. Her hobbies include dog agility and capoeira. Jane can speak English, intermediate Italian, basic Finnish, Portuguese and Russian.