
Mari-Liis Sepper
Gender equality and equal opportunities
Programme Manager
Programme Manager
Mari-Liis Sepper is one of the leading experts of gender equality and equal treatment in Estonia with more than 15 years of experience. From 2010 to 2015 Mari-Liis acted as the Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner, the National Equality Body in Estonia. She has been a member of the Executive Board of EQUINET, the network of European National Equality Bodies. She has worked extensively with women’s groups, LGBTQI+ and disability organisations.
Mari-Liis holds a MA in law from the University of Montpellier (France). She is an experienced trainer and an author and editor of number of publications on gender equality, trans rights and intersectionality. She speaks English and French.
Gender equality and equal opportunities
Power of woman leaders
Education and Youth
Preliminary analysis on gender mainstreaming in teacher education
Labour & Social Policy
Ex-ante evaluation of the planned financial instruments from the cohesion policy funds for the period 2021-2027 to the Ministry of Finance
Labour & Social Policy
Peer Review on “Reducing the gender pay gap through pay transparency – legislative measures and digital tools targeted at employers”
Labour & Social Policy
Gender and Inequality as Crosscutting Themes in Research and Training Programmes
Labour & Social Policy
Mutual Learning Programme: gender budgeting
Labour & Social Policy
Analysis of just transition in Ida-Virumaa region
Labour & Social Policy
Nudging women to power
Labour & Social Policy
Scientific analysis and advice on gender equality in the EU
Labour & Social Policy
The network of experts on gender equality