Since the 1950s, the amount of physical activity among young people has decreased significantly. Physical activity and sports have a direct impact on the physical and mental development of children and young people. During exercise, physiological and biochemical changes take place in the body, which affect both young people and adults in the long run. Regular exercise and physical activity protect against health problems. However, studies carried out so far show that the physical activity of young people in Estonia is still low – the share of children whose daily movement is below the recommended norm is 43%. The situation with upper secondary school young people is the most critical in comparison of different age groups.
In order to understand what are the obstacles and motivations for young people to do sports, what are the solutions for the problem and how to do it, Praxis is conducting an analysis that maps young people’s exercise habits, reasons for quitting training and factors influencing physical activity. The analysis is carried out to prepare a thematic morning of thought.