As of September 2020, 108 institutions in Estonia provide social rehabilitation services to persons aged 16 and older with disabilities or limited working capacity. When it comes to the quality of the provision of rehabilitation services, three main problems emerge: fragmentation, lack of specialists and the fact that the whole system is very complicated for those in need, as well as for those who help in some cases. The system of rehabilitation services in Estonia is fragmented between the fields of health, social, employment and education, the responsibilities of different parties are unclear and people do not understand which system to get help from. It is already difficult for people to understand which services can be obtained from the health care system, which from the social system and which come from, for example, the Unemployment Insurance Fund.
The topic of the quality of rehabilitation services is problematic – there are no uniform quality indicators for the process and content of the service. In addition to the lack of quality indicators, there is also a need for instructions on how to carry out various rehabilitation services. Therefore, Praxis, in cooperation with the Social Insurance Board, Rehaabi OÜ and other experts, is developing a rehabilitation guide for people of working age with schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders, which will create a coherent and evidence-based framework and action plan to harmonize and improve rehabilitation services.