Praxis analysed the impact HIV has on economy and employers in order to give an approximate overview of how HIV-related economic strain affects Estonian society. As a result, recommendations were made to employers, which when followed upon should increase the number of new HIV cases. The study shows that the factors that influence employers the most are: excessive sick leave usage, high employee turnover, departure of a trained employee and also moral decline. Companies are the most affected by those employees who are diagnosed at a late stage or not diagnosed at all.
Companies should have more cooperation when organising trainings and awareness campaigns. It is essential to involve smaller and medium-sized companies in Estonia as well since they outnumber the big ones. Employers should encourage staff to test themselves, make it possible to do it anonymously and give information about various testing centres. It is essential that employers set a positive example of how to socialise with staff members diagnosed with HIV.
See also
Report on Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS (in Estonian)
Report on Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS part 2 (in Estonian)
National HIV and AIDS Strategy for 2006-2015 (in Estonian)