European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders (EEPN) is a network that consists of teachers, school leaders, policymakers, researchers and other educational stakeholders from all over Europe. The aim of the network is to support the cooperation between the members of the network and the designing and implementing of education policy on both national as well as international level. EEPN was established in January 2019 for four years and the network is coordinated by the European School Heads Association (ESHA). EEPN currently consists of 27 members from 17 countries.
One of the most tangible outputs of the network are the annual research reports that combine the best policies and practices regarding teaching and school leading (you can find the reports of the year 2019 from this page under the section „Publications“). The role of Praxis as a member of EEPN is to participate as an expert in the everyday work of the network and to contribute to the carrying out of new studies.