Praxis took upon assessing a project called ‘Neonatal Hearing Screening Project 2004-2012’. The aim is to evaluate its efficiency with a special focus on the aspects of managing and implementing the project, not on health service rendering.
The objectives are well met – level of planned screenings has been reached, period of diagnosing and habilitation has decreased, number of false positive tests is on an expected level and there is only a small portion of refusals. Efficiency indicators are existent and can be monitored but there is no overview of unscreened children or general practitioners’ screening activity.
Satisfaction questionnaires among parents and staff give valuable data towards development of the project, although the number of selected parents could be higher.
Budget information is available, but there is insufficient data for further analysis. Implementing data quality control is difficult since the data used is not linked to e-health or hospitals’ information system but collected for the project purposes only.
Requirements stated in the funding contract have been followed upon and objectives generally met while managing the project. Project plan and the rest of the documentation are also clear.
See also
National Health Plan 2009-2020