The experience of the Good Deed Foundation has shown that many civic initiatives do not have the means to reliably determine if their activities have the desired social impact. Likewise, the Good Deed Foundation itself could not carry out its obligations concerning the objective evaluation and comparison of the impacts of other social organisations.
“It is too often assumed that actions automatically have the desired effect. This makes it unclear if the activity of the organisation and the resources entrusted to it actually create added value.”
This led to the creation of a manual for the impact assessment of non-governmental organisations. In addition to providing essential information for optimising the organisation and setting its goals, the proposed impact assessment model helps investors, donators, and private sector partners make more informed investment decisions.
The document is constructed similarly to the theoretical framework established in the first stage of the project:
- The first chapter deals with the logic model of the organisation. It is suggested that NGOs create the model even if assessment is not planned for the near future.
- The second chapter explains the assessment of impact in stages. In the first stage the focus of the assessment, its purpose, and the main indicators are set. An overview of the existing data is given in the second stage. In the third stage, appropriate analytical methods are chosen. The collection of new data is dealt with in the fourth stage.
- The third chapter is dedicated to the fifth and final stage concerned with the process and results of the analysis and their investment value.