The study was designed to analyse the demand and supply of labour for security agencies of the Ministry of the Interior (the Police, the Rescue Board, the Border Guard, Citizenship and Migration Board), and to prepare a prognosis model for assessing the long-term labour needs. Demographic, economic, and technologic factors, external shocks and the personnel data of the Ministry of Interior were analysed.
On the basis of the analysis, a prognosis of demand and supply of the internal security institutions was prepared for 2008-2020. When conducting the prognosis model, interviews were held with the representatives of the Ministry and the security agencies. When comparing the prognosis of labour demand and supply, the labour surplus/deficit was identified.
The study showed that there are more servants leaving their job than there are new servants, and the Academy of Security Sciences is unable to offer as many gradutes as needed. In a situation like this, it would be useful to increase the admission of students, but it is certainly not the only option. It is also important to reduce the number of servants leaving their job, which could be done by raising the salaries of civil servants and ensuring a stable growth in the future.
The results of the study are announced internal information by the Interior Ministry and will not be published. For more information about the study, please contact the department of personnel of the Ministry of the Interior.