The purpose of the project is to provide an analysis and assessment of state pensions in Lithuania, which constitute special regimes in the Lithuanian public pay-as-you-go pension system. These special state pensions are financed from the state budget and supplement the pension rights arising from the social insurance system.
The general notion emerging from the assessment is that state pensions cover a diverse spectrum of benefits. There is a considerable variation of objectives, eligibility criteria, benefit rules and benefit rates both across the three categories of state pensions as well as within each of these categories between different types of benefits for different groups. Even within the category of occupation pensions there are large differences in eligibility ages, qualification periods, benefit determination principles, accrual rates, benefits ceilings, payment conditions and sanctions across occupational groups. Such differences in treatment are not objectively grounded with empirical findings related to the nature and conditions of employment. There are large differences in benefit rates, ranging from 60 EUR per month for victims to over 1200 EUR per month for former sportsmen and Signatories of Independence Act. This may raise questions as to whether there is a balance between the principles of justice, reasonableness and proportionality, emphasized by the Constitutional Court.