The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) is an international project funded by the European Commission to support the EU member states’ actions to provide food and/or basic material assistance to the most deprived. FEAD support is designed to help people take the first steps to get out of poverty. In Estonia, the main focus of the programme is on food aid, organised by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
This study aims to review the implementation of FEAD between 2014 and 2020 and assess the effectiveness and relevance of the Fund’s activities. In addition, it focuses on the lessons learnt during the operations, which will support the design of future similar programmes. Praxis participates in the project as the national expert for Estonia, collecting national level data on sharing food aid and the implementation of the Fund.
To ensure that the survey is based on the most comprehensive set of data, interviews will also be conducted with stakeholders in all the member states. The interviews will assess the extent to which EU support has contributed to combating poverty and improving social inclusion at the member states.
The project is funded by the European Commission and carried out by Praxis’ international partners Ecorys (UK) and 3s (Austria).