Within the European Year of Volunteering, the Volunteer Fair takes place in Tallinn from 3 to 7 May 2011. During the fair, an overview of volunteering and participation opportunities is given to all interested people. More than 50 organisations involving volunteers are represented on the fair.
The Center for Policy Studies Praxis presents two new analyses during the fair. The analysis Assessment of the Economic and Social Value of Volunteering provides answers to the questions what is the monetary value of the time that volunteers have dedicated to their work and what is the social impact of such work.
The second analysis, which is concerned with donation, provides an overview of different donation practices in Estonia and other countries and shares recommendations and development suggestions for fostering an environment of donating.
The fair takes place in the framework of the tour European Year of Volunteering 2011 that visits all Member States of the European Union and invites all people to participate in and become acquainted with volunteering regardless of their age. The five-day event gives all volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations the opportunity to speak about their achievements, show their work, meet with each other and inform others about volunteering.