Hanna-Stella Haaristo
Programme Manager
Hanna-Stella is the Head of Praxis Academy. Her tasks include designing, organising and leading learning and development experiences for policy makers, civil society leaders and researchers on topics like engagement, impact assessment, service design, nudging, policymaking, strategic planning, strategic communication, analytical methods etc.
Hanna-Stella has been working in Praxis already since 2011. Before joining Praxis Academy in 2020, she worked years as an education policy analyst and education policy programme manager. She was mostly focussed on lifelong learning, higher education and adult education policies as well as on other education sectors (upper secondary education, vocational education and training), but has also knowledge and experience in other fields (youth policies, labour market policies, social policies). She has comprehensive competences in qualitative research, data analysis and programme evaluations as well as leading projects, organizing seminars and conferences. She has years of experience in working on international research projects and being a member of international organizations.
She has obtained a Master’s degree in the field of social policy and social work in the University of Tartu and has previously worked as a social policy adviser for the Federation of Estonian Student Unions. Her personal life has always revolved around music: she has written album and concert reviews, been a DJ and collected vinyl records. Currently she is deeply interested in reading books on leadership, change management, productivity, time management, mindfulness, learning and neurosciences.