EUROSTUDENT is an international study which aims at collating reliable and comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. The study focuses on describing students’ socio-economic situation, but it also looks into the students’ short-term international mobility so that the policymakers both at national as well as at European level can evaluate the effectiveness of higher education policy (e.g. the sufficiency of the study allowances, the need for the dormitory places, the links between the organization of studies and the study outcomes, etc.).
From another perspective EUROSTUDENT can be looked at as a network that consists of researchers, scientists, data gatherers, representatives of ministries and other interest groups from different countries who all have joined their forces to study the social and economic conditions of students in the European higher educational area.
EUROSTUDENT studies have been conducted since 2000 and in 2018 already the 7th wave began. 28 countries take part from the 7th wave of EUROSTUDENT study which focuses on the following topics: demographic characteristics, access to higher education, study paths, socio-economic background, living conditions, income and allowances, expenditure, working, the use of time, and international mobility. The data gathering for the 7th wave was conducted in spring 2019 and in Estonian higher educational instiutions the study was carried out by Praxis in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research. The outcomes of EUROSTUDENT study were published in spring 2020.
EUROSTUDENT study is coordinated by an international network. Every country gathers its data itself, but the data gathering process is carried out based on the centrally determined core questions and data gathering principles. Centrally (i.e. by the international consortium) are also set the guidelines regarding determining the study’s target group, creating the sample, using the study instruments, etc. to guarantee the consistent quality and comparability of the data. Praxis is a member of EUROSTUDENT VII international consortium where its main responsibility is to disseminate the study results but Praxis has also actively participated in planning the study, creating the questionnaire and consulting and supporting the participating countries. The members of the EUROSTUDENT VII consortium are:
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), DE
Kristina Hauschildt, Matthias Liedtke, Christoph Gwosć
Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), AT
Martin Unger, Angelika Grabher, Iris Schwarzenbacher
ResearchNed, NL
Froukje Wartenbergh-Cras, Bas Kurver
Praxis Centre for Policy Studies, EE
Hanna-Stella Haaristo
MOSTA Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre, LT
Kristina Maseviciute, Eglė Ozolinčiūtė
National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE), MT
Christine Scholz , Madonna Maroun
Federal Statistical Office (FSO), CH
Sarah Gerhard-Ortega
See also
EUROSTUDENT V Estonian Report (by RAKE)