NETIS teaching, with the focus on eGovernance, has finised in Estonia. It was attended by 21 graduate students.
The intensive course took place from April 21 until April 30 at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology. The course was co-ordinated by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Drechsler and Tarmo Kalvet, and assisted by Margit Suurna. Guest lecturers included Ülle Madise (expert Internet-based voting), Tarvi Martens (expert on eSecurity and cyberwars), Rain Rannu (expert on m-Government), Ain Aaviksoo (eHealth). Margit Suurna taught a class on eLearning.
The topics covered included information society theories, Estonian information society and eGovernance related developments, eGovernance and especially its role in public administration system and public administration reform, ICT and business environment, critique of information society and eGovernance theories, Internet-based voting, eSecurity and cyberwars, eHealth, eLearning and mGovernment. Althogether 7 classes took place running 2-3 calendar hours each. For most of the lectures students were expected to read 4-5 key articles on the topic. NETIS materials did prove useful and they were used extensively.
The general feedback has been positive and preparations for teaching a similar class in Spring 2009 and going on. Due to the intest of international students studying at TUT, it might take place fully in English (in the current course only some lectures were in English).