The objective of the project was capacity building in the field of data visualization and presentation in our daily work in order to achieve greater impact within the think tank and among NGOs at large.
In cooperation with the recognized creative designer Janno Siimar we organized a training for Praxis analysts; in addition we held a seminar on public data and visualization and thirdly Tanel Kärp in cooperation with Indrek Treufeldt held active learning workshops for developing practical skills in data visualization. At the beginning of the project our goal was to create 5 practical infographics, in reality all teams in the workshop managed to create good workable solutions that support the activities of the organization.
As an added value we put together a training module that can be used as a basis by the think tank when offering targeted capacity building trainings to other organizations, including NGOs, in using data visualization to present their work and achieved results.
It was a great example of collaboration between various sectors (NGOs, business sector, public sector and educational institution) and development of a new format for workshops/trainings. We also established a permanent cooperation relationship with students at the Estonian Academy of Arts, with whom we will continue to work together in the coming year in analysing election promises and visualizing the differences.