On March 1, 2015, parliamentary elections were held in Estonia. Since Praxis is a think tank that serves public interests, we took the initiative and wanted to provoke the larger public to have their say in issues that matter. We value constructive and high-quality public debates that reflect not only on the promises given by different political parties but also the parties’ ability to look further into the future and concentrate on the choices and decisions that affect our society in the long run.
Quality debates are necessary to give the public insights into what a party is planning to do or is capable of. The voters need a clear view of the ideological values of each party.
Furthermore, pithy debates can bring forward new ideas and discussions on main issues, clarify their causes and possible solutions.
“”The truth is born in argument” is a proverb that should also apply to elections. Debates that are meaningful and full of content should have longer lasting affect than just for the duration of the elections.” – Annika Uudelepp, chair of the board.
Praxis also studied the political platforms of the parties prior to the previous elections in 2011. Our unbiased analysis concentrated on two main subjects – what are the main issues in the society that the parties are trying to find solutions to, and what is being done to meet these goals. Read more about our activities during 2011 elections.
Our main focus during 2015 elections:
I We compile materials that include our analysis together with key issues and questions regarding Estonia’s development. The topics are closely related to our main fields of study: economy, unemployment and demography, social security, state reform. We analyse the issues and trends in the society, interpret the main courses of action and topics that might offer solutions to these problems, and formulate the questions for debates.
II We compare the promises given by each party. We pick a dozen or so specific topics, analyze the problems and solutions offered, and that way give the public the opportunity to see the similarities and differences in the parties’ approach. We also look at the promises made before, using the help of Valitsemise Valvur – a web portal that has been keeping an eye on the coalition pledges given during 2011 elections.
III We comment on the programs and viewpoints of each political party, contribute to public discussions, and participate in the making of Valijakompass 2015. The latter is a website that helps the voters to concentrate on what is important in an effective democratic country – the main political issues.
Annika Uudelepp, annika.uudelepp@praxis.ee
Hille Hinsberg, hille.hinsberg@praxis.ee
Eneli Mikko, eneli.mikko@praxis.ee, 5196 1097
See also
Watch the program “Vabariigi kodanikud” (“Citizens of the republic”)