Several studies have shown that superfluous bureaucratic regulations and procedures (i.e. red tape) inefficiently spend individuals, firms as well as the state’s time and resources, impeding work and even increasing the risk of corruption (European Bank of Construction and Development 1999; Bardhan 1997). The project ‘Reduction of Superfluous Bureaucratic Procedures’ focused on improving and ordering the regulation of Estonian administrative procedures and preparing laws for its special section. In the final part of the project, the researcher cooperated with the representatives of the legislative and executive powers to ensure that the results and implications of the analysis would be implemented.
The analysis conducted during the project revealed several important implications. The analysis clearly concluded that it is important to consciously and systemically reduce superfluous bureaucratic regulations and procedures. Thus, this necessitates the creation of a public administration strategy to effectively coordinate the inspection and renewal of the administrative system. New user-centred and -friendly public service principles and structures can be quickly established and created if the citizens cooperate and the level of technological development is sufficient. But, the analysis also mentions that the implementation of these ideas can be undermined by the unwillingness of public officials, politicians or/and citizens to change and impeded by unprofessional political behaviour, backwardness in countrysides and insufficient knowledge about using information technology. Still, this analysis has already improved the law and implementation of administrative procedures and increased the application of contemporary administrative technologies in Estonian public institutions.