The goal of this project is to collect and examine information about the prognosis of the skills of the workforce. The project has three stages:
- An overview of data and information available and accessible
- Collecting information about the prognosis of the skills of the workforce (using only existing sources, new data will not be collected for this project)
- Review of the country on the basis of the existing information.
As a result, a website was created, where the results of studies in different EU countries and sectors associated with labour skills prognosis are published. European level data (Eurostat), as well as national level data, and references to national data sources and studies are made available. Information can be found by skills, sectors and countries.
Also, overview articles are published on the website, for example:
“Bottleneck Vacancies in Estonia” points out the main sectors and professions affected by labour shortage. The most problematic sectors in Estonia are mechanics and metal industry, ICT and health sectors. Mainly, there is a lack of highly qualified specialists, doctors and engineers, but also non-high skilled workers are needed. The main causes are:
- Rapid development of the ICT sector, making it difficult for the specialists to comply with the qualification requirements
- Low status of some professions, which is why young people may not want to specialize in these
- Large regional differences, for example, making it difficult to find employees in the countryside
To alleviate this situation, employers are trying to provide the best possible working conditions, and cooperate with Unemployment Insurance Fund and learning institutions.
“Education and training monitor 2014″ points out that both the young and the adult residents of Estonia have shown good results in international studies of skills. However, we are still lacking highly skilled workforce and specialists. Therefore, the education system should be more linked to the labour market. The article gives an overview of the ways Estonia has contributed to solving these problems, for example, increasing teachers’ salaries and vocational and higher education reforms.