Readiness to use information and communication technologies during care provision is one of the most important preconditions for e-consultation adoption. Moldova is in the process of creating a unified information system for general practitioners and has made significant steps towards e-health implementation. As the role of family doctors in providing an effective and early intervention is rapidly developing, the launch of successful e-service is essential. E-consultation enables family doctors to instantly communicate with specialist doctors and therefore helps them while offering medical services as well as assists specialist doctors in using their time more effectively.
Project aimed to compile an analysis to map the benefits and barriers of implementation and lists the requirements of all parties.
The survey conducted demonstrates that there is a definite need for standard-setting, both technical and document as well as service standards to improve interoperability between different Moldovan in-house information systems at hospitals and other clinics for implementing new e-services in health care.
It also suggests carrying out a pilot project for testing e-consultation service in case of a specific specialty and preferably involve family practices from rural areas, where the distances from specialty institutions are vast yet having more possibilities for better consulting is the most urgent.