Organizations, whose volunteers are highly motivated, are distinguished mainly by: giving volunteers a variety of possibilities to contribute so that they can choose, give adequate feedback and compliment them. Organisational development level has also effect on volunteer‘s motivation: volunteers are motivated in organisations with good reputation, that have effect on the society and are financially stable.
“Volunteering activity is done out of free will, is not obligatory nor forced, does not provide any monetary nor material benefit, done outside home, family and relatives for the benefit of others or the society in general (in public interest).” – Jon Ender
Short overview of suggestions given with the study For general development:
- linking clearly national strategies in volunteering, citizen education, adult education and labour market policy –developing volunteering should be a common activity for all of them, because volunteering can be used for educating, skills-building and raising social capital
- public awareness raising on volunteering should be planned differently on specific groups:
1) youth look for new experiences, knowledge and skills, they use actively internet communities
2) middle-aged people want to improve possibilities for finding a favourable job, they would be more motivated if their employer gives a day or two off for volunteering
3) older people mainly want to help others in need, they can be reached through TV and radio
For organizations:
- organizations need to find a balance between the volunteers‘ expectations, organizational and societal needs in order to motivate volunteers and implement them in favor of the organization and society
- volunteer contribution has a distinguished role and function in organizational activities meant for reaching the goals written in statutes
- because volunteer offers highly valuable personal time and energy besides everyday activities (school, work, family, hobbies, friends), the costs related to volunteering (work equipment, travel, food etc) should be covered by the organization
- offer different opportunities for volunteering so that each could choose the most interesting
- offer training, instruction, active feedback and sincere recognition
- offer possibilities to combine volunteering with everyday activities (family, friends, hobbies, school)
- informs the wider public about the activities of the organization, in order to increase the impact of volunteer contribution
- systematically develops the organization to ensure that is it with good reputation, seen in public, has an expert role in shaping local or national decisions, has friendly and caring coordinators of volunteers