See also
In the conference ‘Governance and good governance’ many experts and professionals shared their knowledge and experience. The main speakers of the conference were Prof. Dr. Martin Doornbos from Netherlands and Prof. Dr. Christoph Knill from Germany. Their presentations addressed ‘governance’ and ‘good governance’ from a theoretical and a practical perspective, including examples about the experience of other countries and outlining dangers, opportunities and success stories. Germany’s example has been one of the most important influences on governance in Estonia, while Netherlands was considered to be an interesting precedent of a small yet a very successful state. Prof. Wolfgang Drechsler and Prof. Rainer Kattel from Tallinn University of Technology presented their visions of ‘governance’ and ‘good governance’ in Estonia. Many opinion leaders from the public, private and non-profit sector – Urmas Reinsalu, Eiki Nestor, Enn Veskimägi, Erki Mölder and Mall Hellam – discussed and examined the issues of ‘governance’ and ‘good governance’. The moderator of the conference was Dr. Vello Pettai.