The current paper describes social partners involvment in designing, implenting and monitoring of employment policies in Estonia. The paper is Estonian country review in the International Labour Organisation project ”National social dialogue on the formulation, implementation and monitoring of employment policies”, which is carried through in the 13 European countries.
Based on the interviews with the representatives of social partners it is concluded that the social partners’ involvement in the employment policy is relatively low. There are several reasons for this; one of the main reasons is low membership and resulting low capacity of employees’ and employers’ representative organizations. Despite of the problems in employers’ and employees’ participation in employment policy there is an operating regular tripartite social dialogue on the state level. Though the tripartite dialogue has been mainly driven currently by trade unions, the author suggests that this channel could be used better by the government for engaging social partners in the employment policy.
See also
Collective Agreements Act in the Riigi Teataja Website
About Social Dialogue on the The Estonian Employers’ Confederation Website