The legislation of employment relations was reformed in 2009 and three years later, the Employment Contract Act Survey was carried out to evaluate the implementation of the new policy. The survey analyses employees’ and employers’ awareness of their rights in employment relationship and implementation of the minimum conditions provided for in the act to ensure protection of the parties and quality of employment. Employees’ satisfaction and willingness to pay for unemployment safety net was also studied.
The current study, by focusing on awareness and implementation of employment rights, endeavors to evaluate the current employment policy. The study shows that as employees’ awareness about their rights in employment relation is not exemplary, legal certainty may be at stake and the legitimate behavior of parties may not be guaranteed. Also, the studied examples of rights testify that, when entering into an employment contract and agreeing on working conditions, there are often deviations from the minimum conditions provided for in the act with the aim of ensuring the greater protection of the parties to the employment relations.
Also, the study is interesting in its attempt to study satisfaction with and willingness to pay for safety due to the end of employment relationship and during the unemployment period. The study indicates that mostly people are satisfied than dissatisfied with the system and would mostly pay for the safety.